Friday, January 15, 2010

Moving house.

It's funny how when you have nothing that HAS to be done, you do nothing at all. Granted I just moved last weekend and there's still shit (I mean beautiful things...) everywhere, I still find the time to take a lovely two hour nap everyday.

Just a quick update today, mostly on Zoey. She had a pretty tough time the first couple of days after we moved in. Austin would leave and Zoey couldn't figure out why she didn't get to leave with him. She would howl at the top of her lungs every time we left her in her crate. Since she loves her crate this was very strange behavior for her. She's settled down and now has a little routine. After we get up, she sits with me for breakfast, then she goes to take a nap.
For a good two hours. The bed might be a little small for her. Funny story, the first night she slept in the bed, she didn't make it all the way and rammed head first into the side of the mattress. Oh, and please ignore the horrible wood paneling.

Then she goes out and surveys her kingdom.

Then she sits and stares at me until Austin gets home.
What a life she leads!


Anonymous said...

That's my Zo girl!

WorthyStyle said...

ahaahah "Then she sits and stares at me until Austin comes home"

Aww you know she loves you!!!