Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy 2010!!

Happy New Year! 2009 was great and I am hoping 2010 will be even better! I'm going to attempt to update this puppy more often, at least three times a week. It's actually my one of my resolutions. I know y'all dear readers will be so excited to read about my super-fabulous life! It will be a mix of all different kinds of things. I tried to have a book blog, but that one fizzled out faster than this one did. So my book reviews will now be here. I'm also going to follow in my mother's footsteps and blog about any delicious recipes I may make!

If you haven't heard (which is apparently most everyone...) I am moving in with the wonderful BF! I'm excited and can't wait to see what this adventure brings! His house has a big fenced in backyard and Zoey loves having her own personal doggie park! The process of moving is super slow. And I have been reminded why I've stayed in the same apt for the past 2.5 years even though the rent has become friggin ridiculous--MOVING SUCKS!

Sooooo, I know you are asking yourself this very important question right NOW! What are Libby's New Year's Resolutions? Well here they are!:

1. Not buy ANY new clothes this year. I do not need any and I've donated so many this year it actually makes me upset that I have this much unecessary clothing. This includes shoes. (Exception: a new pair of sneakers and if anything should come up that I do not have the necessary clothing hiking Mt. Everest, for example)

2. Train for/Run/Finish the Monument Ave 10k in March. Training starts on the 16th!

3. Update the bloggy-blog three times a week. I know you do not have enough Zoey P. antics in your life!

4. Save more money than I spend. As I have no job right now this one is impossible, but I hope to have some form of income by the end of this month! Perhaps that position at the strip club will come through!!!

Those are the major ones that I wrote down and signed my name to. Austin did the same as did the Zo-dog--her's is to calm down with the anxiety issues! Here are some minor ones.

1. Calm down on the anal-retentive cleaning/organizing. It's not possible to have everything my way when living with someone and I need to let go on the little things. For example: I have left Austin's breakfast dishes out today to see how long it will take him to clean them up. It will not kill me, even though it is driving me bananas...

2. Be nicer. To everyone. Cause we all know sometimes I am too sarcastic for my own good. And apparently that comes off mean. Who knew?

3. Stay in touch with everyone. This should probably be a major one but baby steps! I miss everyone and I want to know what's going on! I don't have as much taking up my time now (like a thesis or an internship that requires a 120mi commute) so I need something to fill my time. Like stalking all my friends! LOVE YOU GUYS!

Ok, that's all! I've cleaned up the blog, gotten rid of unnecessary posts, like I'm trying to get rid of unnecessary things in my life!

There are no Zoey P. antics for now. She's just snoozing like a little angel (who has blue paint on her fur!).


The Libby.
(Zoey and Austin in our massive snowstorm the weekend before Christmas, 2009)


Anonymous said...

YAY!!! I'm so happy to see your update!

BTW, we forgot to use the B&N gift card at B&N...I call it early onset dementia :D

WorthyStyle said...

I am officially in love with this picture of Aus and Zo. <3