Thursday, October 2, 2008

My Mama's Blog!

I'm putting this on here for two reasons:
1. My mama is basically the coolest ever.
2. I keep losing the link, even when I bookmark it. And I'm too lame to actually write it down.

So here it is!

Uncle Jim and other ponderings

Let me preface this by saying I have the strangest dreams EVER, but I usually think about it for a little bit after I wake up. This one I've been thinking about/been bothered by all day.

I had a dream last night that I had to run through intestines to survive some kind of challenge or race. I'm pretty sure this was in some way about my Uncle Jim who passed away in August of some kind of cancer having to do with his intestines.

When he died we were all up at the Lake (yes, it's the only Lake that matters) and the night he died, the alarm clock in my parents' room went off about three times or so in the middle of the night (I'm sketchy on the details) and then three days after the funeral, the night before we were leaving, my brother and I both woke up in the middle of the night, feeling like we were being watched.
We all automatically assumed it was Uncle Jim, just checking in, or playing tricks again like he did when he was alive. It's strange that Uncle Jim is gone. I didn't spend that much time with him, at least since we've moved to VA. His funeral was in good Irish style and I'm pretty sure that's the only way he'd have wanted it. He is very much missed in this family.

I've always been a big believer in dreams and feelings and 'ghosts,' if you will. I saw my great-Grandmother (who I'm not sure I ever actually met) right after we moved to Virginia. I described her to my mom and that's who she thought it was too, just checking to make sure we were alright. I saw a shadow (that's the only way I can explain it) the night/morning my Papa died. I had a dream about my dog, Kona, after she died (like months after she died, I might've even had Zoey at this point) and she talked to me and told me she was o.k. (I don't think I told my mom about that one).

I know this can all be mumbo-jumbo but it's also been comforting to me. Maybe it's just the way my brain reacts to these types of situations.

Needless to say, I often read WAY too much into dreams.

(I will write something less morbid later on.)